A sense of privacy and seclusion

Create timeless and functional beauty with masonry retaining walls

If your land is sloped or hilly, the addition of retaining walls will solve practical needs like erosion and runoff, while creating additional useable space. Terraces have been used for centuries to make the most of mountainous or hilly terrain. Terraced gardens allow for easy access to plants. They lend themselves to creative use of space, such as intimate gathering nooks or zen gardens. Low retaining walls serve as additional seating, and taller engineered walls can become focal points with the addition of water features, built-in seating, outdoor kitchens, or planters.

  • Add beauty to your landscape.

  • Introduce the stunning impact of Unilock walls to your space.

  • Match any architectural style.

  • Create unexpected focal points.

  • Instill a sense of protection from the outside world.

Even if your land doesn’t need retaining walls to manage soil and water, masonry walls help define outdoor areas and make a large space feel more like a welcoming sanctuary.


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Very professional and timely getting work completed. Highly recommended!
— Tim P, Facebook